Accepting Applications Starting October 22nd, for the 2024-2025 School Year,K through 8th Grade Space is limited!! Latest News View Full News Site What’s Happening at ACSW? View in Gallery Ms. Sanchez’ first graders are learning about th Congratulations to the November Tigers of the Mont DECEMBER CALENDAR ⛄ Please keep in mind that da Happy Thanksgiving to all the AcadeMir South famil From curiosity to discovery and a little wild fun! Si tuviera un deseo para el agua 💦 @evergladesf Happy birthday Ms. Mansito 🎉 🐯 Ms. Sanchez’ first grade scientists analyze Kindergarten is using math manipulatives today to For this month’s Dream in Green activity, Ms. Lo Instagram post 18083358115548451 We recently celebrated a very special birthday for Our second graders are working on an experiment to Winter Bundle ❄️ Principal’s Honor Roll Breakfast 🐯 Congratulations to our Quarter 1 Honor Roll & Prin Fall festival 🍂 Grateful for AcadeMir South fam AcadeMir South’s Dream in Green pledge 🌎 @dre Fall Festival 🍁 Instagram post 18153990538334093 25-25 Applications are now available on the school Congratulations to these students for completing t Congratulations to our October Tigers of the Month REVISED NOVEMBER CALENDAR 🍂 Please keep in min Load More... Follow on Instagram