Ms. Sanchez’ first graders are learning about th Congratulations to the November Tigers of the Mont DECEMBER CALENDAR ⛄ Please keep in mind that da Happy Thanksgiving to all the AcadeMir South famil From curiosity to discovery and a little wild fun! Si tuviera un deseo para el agua 💦 @evergladesf Happy birthday Ms. Mansito 🎉 🐯 Ms. Sanchez’ first grade scientists analyze Kindergarten is using math manipulatives today to For this month’s Dream in Green activity, Ms. Lo Instagram post 18083358115548451 We recently celebrated a very special birthday for Our second graders are working on an experiment to Winter Bundle ❄️ Principal’s Honor Roll Breakfast 🐯 Congratulations to our Quarter 1 Honor Roll & Prin Fall festival 🍂 Grateful for AcadeMir South fam AcadeMir South’s Dream in Green pledge 🌎 @dre Fall Festival 🍁 Instagram post 18153990538334093 25-25 Applications are now available on the school Congratulations to these students for completing t Congratulations to our October Tigers of the Month REVISED NOVEMBER CALENDAR 🍂 Please keep in min Load More... Follow on Instagram